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Katy Winter

Mindfully Organized

I was invited to speak to an inner circle Mindful Moms group.  I jumped at the opportunity because mindfulness and organizing go hand in hand. The whole point of organizing is to create a clear vision, take stock of what you own and use your vision to become a mindful shopper in the future. When you know how many scissors you have, you will not have to keep repurchasing them every time you have an occasional need. 

This group of moms comes together because they all have a goal of becoming more mindful in life. Whether it’s through meditating, organizing or rock climbing, they have  goals. And when Moms support other Moms, a strong group can easily be formed. You could tell all the moms were genuinely trying to help each other by offering suggestions, or showing different ways of looking at a situation. Sometimes we just need another eyes. When I look at a space, I try to imagine it blank, and I think about what is practical for that particular space. Each life is different and has different needs, but sometimes it helps to have another set of eyes. 

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