2020 was the year when our lives went on pause. We learned how to live and work in close quarters, learn virtually, zoom socially and professionally, and become more observant of our relationships with our immediate family. And while we remain on pause for a bit longer in 2021, we will soon be able to hit the forward button.
In March 2020, when my worklife abruptly stopped, I struggled to become a full-time teacher and monitor for my three kids. There were times I felt really low and fearful that the career I built over the past seven years would struggle to recover. But when NY entered stage 3, my email box filled with requests from old and new clients reaching out for my help and inviting me back into their homes. I hope my mask didn’t conceal my huge smile.
While we are in pause a little bit longer, the possibility beckons for a wonderful year in 2021. Happy New Year!